rock operatic science fantasy (and more) by Matthew Graybosch


I’m not a lawyer, and it’s not like anybody reads these anyway. Nevertheless...

297 words, created on , updated on

Short Version

Everything on this website is available for personal, non-commercial use with attribution by individuals. If you make anything new from my work, please make it available under the same terms.

Long Version

I used to provide this website and its contents under a Creative Commons license, but I have changed that in protest against their stance on using CC-licensed content to train generative AI. They think it falls under fair use. I reserve the right to disagree.

However, I do not want to revert to an all rights reserved stance. I would instead prefer to reserve most rights. If you are a human being acting in a private capacity, and not a corporation or acting on behalf of one, you are welcome to make almost any reasonable, non-commercial use of this website you like.

The following are my preferences. Since I cannot enforce them, I am hoping you will be reasonable.

  • Please, do not share links to this website on advertising-supported social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, BlueSky, Threads, or Reddit.
  • Please, do not link to this website on Hacker News. (I have my reasons.)
  • Please, do not use this website or its contents to train large language models or generative artificial intelligence.
  • Please, do not use anything on this website as a basis for your own work without attribution.
  • Please, do not adapt or otherwise make commercial use of anything on this website without discussing it with me first.

If you aren’t sure if you should do something, please email me. I am also willing to negotiate on commercial publication and syndication rights; I object mainly to having my work used for commercial gain without attribution or adequate compensation.