rock operatic science fantasy (and more) by Matthew Graybosch


technical information about this website for the curious

724 words, created on , updated on is a personal website. No proprietary software was used to create this website. Its contents are subject to the disclaimer below. Its source code is available in a git repository hosted by SourceHut. It is hosted by Nearly Free Speech.

Site Features

  • This site is 99.999% static.
  • This site uses minimal JavaScript, which is contained in a single file.
  • This site is responsive and mobile-friendly.
  • This site has a dark mode. Dark mode will activate as required by your browser/device.
  • This site uses fonts commonly available on GNU/Linux, macOS, and Windows (a system font stack) instead of using web fonts.
  • If you have the Atkinson Hyperlegible font installed, this site will use that for sans serif text instead of system fonts.

Built With

Tested With


Privacy Policy

I don’t collect your data.

  • I don’t set cookies.
  • I do not use analytics.
  • I have disabled HTTP server logging, and only activate it when needed for diagnostic purposes.
  • I do not collect any personal data from visitors unless they email me, and if you do email me I do not use your email for commercial purposes.

Why am I reluctant to collect your data? Given the way personal data is often misused by authoritarian governments (including state and municipal governments in the USA), storing nuclear waste in my basement is less dangerous and marginally more ethical.

Advertising Policy

There is no paid advertising on this website. This is a personal website, not a billboard. I do not host display ads, sponsored content, affiliate links, or make any attempt to monetize this site. This is not my side hustle. It doesn’t cost me that much per year to operate this site, and I have a day job.

“Artificial Intelligence” Policy

I do not use AI or LLM technology when writing for this website. With one exception involving the Emacs psychotherapist bot I have no intention of ever doing so. I’m reluctant to even use a spelling checker, so any misspellings or typos you find are entirely my fault.

If you want to use my makefile or shell scripts, all code in this site’s repository is available under version 3 of the GNU General Public License. The text is available under the Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 international license.

Commercial use of my work, especially usage for AI or LLM research, is not permitted without prior negotiation and payment.

Please refrain from posting links from my site to corporate-owned platforms like Twitter, Bluesky, Threads, Facebook, Reddit, and Hacker News. If they want my work that badly, they can pull my RSS feed or pay me a consulting fee to integrate my feed with their platform.


This is a personal website. I make liberal use of profanity in my writing and discuss topics that are not appropriate workplace reading. I publish fiction here that may not be appropriate for young or sensitive readers.

I operate this website in my leisure time and at my own expense. All opinions posted are my own unless attributed, and free to a good home. I do not speak for or represent my employers, or their clients and partners, on this website.

None of my viewpoints should be construed as neutral or objective. I am thoroughly biased. My worldview is generally irreligious, anticapitalist, and antiauthoritarian.

I am neither a journalist nor an expert in any of the topics in which I take an interest, though I make an effort to do research when writing. Nevertheless, nothing I post here should be considered factual unless independently verified. Discretion on the part of the reader is required. Children under 13 must consult a parent or guardian before reading further.