Hello. It would appear that you came to my website from a commercial search engine like Google. You might also have come here from a link shared on a corporate-owned social media site like Facebook, Twitter, Hacker News, Reddit, Bluesky, etc. This being the case, there are some basic facts you should understand so I used a bit of JavaScript to bring you here.
After all, since you came here from a corporate website you surely won’t mind clicking through yet another end user license agreement. If this one seems a bit fishy, it’s because I used a discount law firm: Squamous & Rugose from Innsmouth, MA.
- My website, my rules.
- This is my free speech zone and my safe space. If you want one of your own, lease a domain, rent some space, and build your own website.
- This is not a side hustle. This is a non-commercial space, as is the personal web in general.
- Everything on this website is available under a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license. This means you may use or redistribute my work as long as you:
- Give me credit for my work.
- Do not use my work for commercial purposes.
- Release anything you create using my work under the same terms.
- This website’s contents are presented on an as-is basis with no warranty or guarantee that anything I’ve published here is factual, relevant, or of interest to anybody but myself. Caveat lector!
- I accept no responsibility for your emotional responses to anything I have posted here, or your choice to enter into a parasocial relationship with me should you be foolish enough to do so.
- Since you are not a paying customer or subscriber, I owe you nothing. Because I already have eight different bosses at my day job, I have no interest in making a customer out of you.
- If you have something to say to me, you will have to use email. I will not interact with you on whatever platform led you here. I reserve the right to quote you publicly, though I will generally ask first as a courtesy. If you annoy me, I reserve the right to publicly mock you.
- Just as you have no say in what I do on my website, I acknowledge that I have no say in what you do on yours.
If you insist on remaining, tread lightly. The personal web is a savage garden. You meddle in the affairs of wizards and dragons alike by your very presence, and with a bit of mustard you’ll be ever so tasty...